Link to Prize Package Picture

We pictured the prize package going specifically to you, someone in a relationship.

Once you've admitted to yourself that your in a relationship your at that point where it isn't always OK to just go to dinner and a movie.  Sometimes your special other would just like to invite you over to there place for a quiet night at home.  Games are great for these types of date nights.  Monopoly especially.  It is competitive, lots of money changing hands, kind of like shopping, can last for hours, always has a good laugh built in, and doesn't take a rocket scientist to learn or play. 

Now that you have a game night, you are going to need more stuff.  The Jamaica coasters will easily fit in the Monopoly box and travel with you to either persons place.  He's going to want a Beer, and she's going to want some wine.  Neither is going to want the others beverage stains on their coffee table.   And neither of you will mind spilling on these tastefully tacky coasters.

For special date nights, we've included a picnic basket.  Have you considered Monopoly by the lake, or Monopoly under the stars.  Wow!  now your adding adventure to date night.

Wow! Monopoly by that lake.  You'll need a picture of that so we've enclosed a picture frame.  Memories are best when they are remembered.

You might be saying that how does the Boyd's collectable piece fit in.  Well, while we realize this will most likely reside at only one of your places, it is officially something that you can make yours together.  Your first shared possession!  Show that you can take good care of it and who knows how this relationship may blossom.  

Speaking of shared possessions, the aromatherapy oils should be shared also, We've probably provided enough (when added to your massage oil) for two people.

But alas, if you two have shared the aromatherapy oil together long enough,
there's a chance you might put 1 + 1 together and need the other two
books we've included.