1st Date
Up 6th Date Story Kings Game Date 1st Date


OK, 1st Date Story...  The 1st story written here should probably be about how we met, but Tamara and I are still keeping that one a BIG secret.  Lets just say that we first met as a blind date.  

Originally, our first date was going to be a Kings game, but that's not a good place to get to know one another.  So we decided to meet for dinner a couple of days in advance of the Kings Game.  We met at the River City Brew Pub.  I had told Chris (a groomsman in the wedding sometimes called the "Dali Lama" by Tam's family) about the date, and surprise, I ran into him on the way to the restaurant.  I had some chicken thing with really good mash potatoes.  Tamara had a salad thing.  We had a good conversation over dinner and the only glitch occurred when I caught Tamara doing some people watching.  After dinner we went to the movie theater upstairs and saw "Matrix", which we both thoroughly enjoyed.  It's still kind of weird having that as "our 1st movie" though.  I think we both enjoyed each others company, but I don't remember the first date being particularly intimate.  After the movie I walked Tamara to her car.  I had flowers for her in my car, but forgot to give them to her.  When we got to her car, Tamara tells me I didn't even shake her hand.  But we did confirm that the basketball game was still a go, so I knew I would see her again.  The best thing I can remember about the date, was that I was really comfortable with Tamara, and she didn't make me feel too nervous.  The date was April 10th, 1999.  We have celebrated the 10th of the month ever since then.

- Thomas