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Link to Prize Package Picture

We pictured the prize package going specifically to you, a grandparent.

Grandparents are an interesting group of our species.  The mentality is that they will get to enjoy all of the good things of a baby and not have to experience any of the bad.  Well that isn't always true...  Grandparents sometimes forget that when in the presence of their grandchildren they will need to spend every waking moment entertaining the grandchildren.  And yes that means actually playing with them.  So we thought a good long game like Monopoly was just what you need. 

We feel we must remind you that grandchildren will need to be taught an appreciation for the finer things, such as your coffee table which to them looks like a game table, a tea table, or even the rootbeer float party table.  Some tastefully tacky coasters from Jamaica will help to remind them not to place their cups directly on the table.

For some reason it has come to our attention that it is every grandparents dream to be driving down some curvy country road in a two seated convertible with their grandchild. We feel it is our duty to remind you that grandchildren require nourishment.  And they require it often.  If you do find yourself out in the country with a hungry child it will help have brought a picnic.  We are providing the picnic basket. It is filled with plastic (re-useable) utensils, plates, cups and salt and pepper shakers.  (very difficult to break even when thrown into a lake).  Everything packs neatly away leaving lots of room for napkins, spare diapers, baby food, and maybe even a bottle of wine for grandma.  But not when you driving my child!

We are providing this Boyd's collectable piece so that you can remember your grandchildren even when they are back at home.  It features three little mice smuggling sugar from grandma's tea set.  Sounds familiar doesn't it?

The pregnancy books are provided so that you can remember the good and the bad that your children went through to provide you with these beautiful grandchildren.  So that the next time you are told "not today" when you wanted to come visit, you will remember there are reasons why today may not have been good.   Your children no longer live the carefree lifestyle that you are now able to enjoy.

The Aromatherapy oil is provided for the first thirty minutes after your grandchildren have been picked up to head back home.   You will be stressed out and ready for any relief at this point.  Instead of sitting alone in a house that is suddenly quiet, we encourage you to revel in this moment.  The aromatherapy oil is just what the doctor ordered.  Doctor's Tom and Tamara prescribe a 30 minute warm to hot bath.  And just soak. Soak until your skin prunes up, and then soak until the wrinkles have wrinkles (probably not PC language with grandparents).

Finally, the most treasured gift.  We will fill the picture frame with a picture of our child, but if your not one of our parents, we will understand if you need to replace that picture with one of your own grandchildren.