10 to 11 months
Up 1stDoctorApt At hospital 1 WEEK - WORKDAY 1 Week to 1 Month At Home 6 Weeks 1-month 3-Months 4 to 6 Months 6 to 7 months 8 to 9 months 10 to 11 months 1st Haircut 12 month pics 1 year old 13 to 14 month 2nd Doc Appt 15 to 21 months 2 years old 25 to 28 months


February - Mom's Camera!!! (be patient - big files)

2frontteeth.jpg (393008 bytes) bikeride1.jpg (370094 bytes)First bike ride with mom and dad, was great but fell asleep at the end
bikeride2.jpg (373402 bytes) binky1.jpg (341439 bytes)Does the binky go this way?
binky2.jpg (293055 bytes) carride1.jpg (308378 bytes)
carride2.jpg (300577 bytes) cheesysmile1.jpg (346838 bytes)
gabrielndad1.jpg (374675 bytes) hangingout.jpg (357644 bytes)
learningtable.jpg (341611 bytes) learningtable2.jpg (333709 bytes)
mendad1.jpg (388079 bytes) mendad2.jpg (376764 bytes)
newhousesleeping1.jpg (329085 bytes) newhousesleeping2.jpg (292940 bytes)
riding2.jpg (364693 bytes) riding1.jpg (362036 bytes)Look out, babe on wheels!!
riding3.jpg (342131 bytes)Gonna get you riding5.jpg (351520 bytes)
saucer1.jpg (320478 bytes) saucer2.jpg (367781 bytes)
sleeping3.jpg (416209 bytes) swinging1.jpg (352541 bytes)WOW! The swing never did this before. Look I can make it JUMP!
swinging2.jpg (282156 bytes) valentine1.jpg (313762 bytes)Happy Valentines Day to meeee
valentine2.jpg (400681 bytes) valentine3.jpg (433663 bytes)
valentine4.jpg (374479 bytes) workcabinet.jpg (344046 bytes)


January - New House Move In

eating-moving0011.jpg (180608 bytes) eating-moving0012.jpg (196224 bytes)
eating-moving0014.jpg (130720 bytes) rollypolly0008.jpg (239760 bytes)Great new floor for rolling and playing!
rollypolly0009.jpg (148444 bytes) rollypolly0010.jpg (141668 bytes)
sleepwdaddy0029.jpg (208924 bytes) dogs0017.jpg (64248 bytes)Is the new house safe from wolves? I see ghosts!
dogs0019.jpg (160456 bytes) dogs0020.jpg (158144 bytes)
dogs0021.jpg (155824 bytes)