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Taken from a recent issue of the National Enquirer. (or maybe not)
A Mrs. Tamara Plummer of Sacramento California had been complaining of slight nausea, light headedness and general discomfort of her abdomen area.  Despite an increase in appetite and the benefits of near bionic sensitivities in sight, hearing and smell, her and her husband decided something must be seriously wrong, and went to the doctor.  Test after test revealed nothing abnormal for a woman her age.  Finally, a pelvic ultrasound revealed the culprit.  A small parasite, roughly in length the size of your thumb in width, has taken up residence in her uterus. 
The doctors maintained a steady interest as the Plummer's excitement mounted during the tests.  The doctors reported that they had seen this "sort of thing" before and that in nearly all cases the parasite is not life threatening.  They did warn that things would get worse before they get better, indicating: "Mrs. Plummer is likely to experience significant discomfort before we can extract the parasite from her body.  She will likely gain significant weight in the form of fluid in her abdomen region".  Finally, the doctor's added "at this stage things aren't critical, and the parasite should be allowed to run it's course." 
Mr. Plummer was quoted as saying, "at least now we know what it is, where it is, and what to do about it".  The doctor's reported the parasite is still in it's embryonic stage of development, estimating that it has been developing in there for roughly 9 weeks. 
The Doctor's of Sutter Medical Group report the following statistics:
Length = 21.2 mm
Estimated age : 8 weeks 6 days
Estimated gestation period : 40 weeks
Estimated purge date : May 9, 2002
Only one parasite was found in the initial inspection of unknown sex.
Being the discoverer's of this new form of life, Mr. and Mrs. Plummer have named the parasite "Baby G".  The Plummer's were not available for comment on what the "G" stands for, but this reporter is speculating it is for "girl, guy or growth". 
Following the doctors visit, the Plummer's were seen at a near by Togo's eatery asking questions like : "How will we afford this?".  Mrs Plummer still had a shocked look on her face as she was heard saying "Well now it's for real isn't it!" .
The "Baby G" parasite is expected to enter the fetal stage of development in about a week. 

Author of this article was not referenced, however AP sources indicate they have traced it to a freelance internet writer going by the name "DaddyP"