4 to 6 Months
Up 1stDoctorApt At hospital 1 WEEK - WORKDAY 1 Week to 1 Month At Home 6 Weeks 1-month 3-Months 4 to 6 Months 6 to 7 months 8 to 9 months 10 to 11 months 1st Haircut 12 month pics 1 year old 13 to 14 month 2nd Doc Appt 15 to 21 months 2 years old 25 to 28 months


Eating   - Late October 2002

eating001.jpg (54790 bytes)Tastes better when you save some for later eating002.jpg (50390 bytes)
beanie003.jpg (26338 bytes) beanie004.jpg (35790 bytes)
beanie005.jpg (27350 bytes)  
halloparty028.jpg (85198 bytes) halloparty029.jpg (99054 bytes)
halloparty030.jpg (90346 bytes) halloparty031.jpg (110402 bytes)
halloparty032.jpg (74962 bytes)  



The Sounds of Gabriel at 6-Months

sounds/gabuse1.wav sounds/gabuse2.wav

(Sorry - They were recorded in the wrong format, and best I could post was a recording of a recording of a recording - which in digital terms isn't very good - Next time we'll do better)



6  Months Pictures:

gabeandcup002.jpg (76422 bytes) gabeandcup003.jpg (79146 bytes)
gabeandgmaann001.jpg (64410 bytes) gabegreen021.jpg (28814 bytes)


5- 5 1/2  Months Pictures:

gswingchair043.jpg (80418 bytes) Let's bounce... come on let's bounce gswingchair042.jpg (99118 bytes)How about if I turn this way?
ghighchair041.jpg (99078 bytes)You gotta get one of these... ghighchair040.jpg (93622 bytes)So comfortable... and this cookie. Oh yeah!
ghighchair039.jpg (111410 bytes) ghighchair038.jpg (100950 bytes)
ghighchair037.jpg (57890 bytes)Check out my new high chair.. ghighchair036.jpg (50902 bytes)I am a BIG BOY NOW
ghighchair035.jpg (51030 bytes) ghighchair034.jpg (57074 bytes)
gphone033.jpg (88466 bytes)Hello? Hello? Anyone there? gphone032.jpg (74630 bytes)
gtahoe031.jpg (70758 bytes)Yummy book gtahoe030.jpg (79090 bytes)
gtahoe029.jpg (74410 bytes) gtahoe028.jpg (74454 bytes)Chaenney give Gabriel a toy
gtahoe027.jpg (67534 bytes) gandchaeney026.jpg (86298 bytes)And kisses too!!
ganddad025.jpg (85390 bytes) ganddad024.jpg (87874 bytes)Loving daddy
ganddad023.jpg (65646 bytes) gandcooldad022.jpg (44506 bytes)Reading a book
gandhat021.jpg (58530 bytes)So cute in my hat gandhat020.jpg (81806 bytes)I am too cool
ganddallas019.jpg (83914 bytes) gfirstj-deer018.jpg (65042 bytes)My first John Deere Tractor from Grandpa!!!
gandgpa017.jpg (47338 bytes) ganddad016.jpg (40930 bytes)
gonquilt015.jpg (175111 bytes)My quilt from Grandma Ann gonquilt014.jpg (144114 bytes)Can you see, we won the BLUE RIBBON!!
gonquilt013.jpg (159082 bytes)I am so proud gandpaul012.jpg (64134 bytes)Uncle Paul, play with me
gandpaul011.jpg (45630 bytes) gandkate010.jpg (74766 bytes)Playing with Aunt Kate
gsleep009.jpg (75738 bytes) gpose008.jpg (106986 bytes)
gpose007.jpg (101066 bytes)Stylin' in my khaki outfit gphone006.jpg (99446 bytes)Plaid on plaid, hmmm?
gphone005.jpg (111634 bytes) gandgma004.jpg (55510 bytes)
gandmom002.jpg (174888 bytes)Cuddles with mommy gandmom001.jpg (170952 bytes)Sometimes that is all you need



More GABE : 

gabanddaddy001.jpg (110094 bytes)One of us needs a haircut.  Can you figure out which one? gabanddaddy002.jpg (165640 bytes)Reading time for a lounging Gabriel.
gabanddaddy003.jpg (147353 bytes)Playtime for a laughing Gabriel. gabanddaddy004.jpg (138302 bytes)
gabanddaddy005.jpg (173893 bytes)You Surprised me.  Actually, he still occasionally reverts to up-side-down vision.  This is what his eyes do when that happens.



gabe-bath008.jpg (69710 bytes)Post Bath - Trying to hold it together. gabe-bath009.jpg (84190 bytes)It's about to blow!
tamandgabe001.jpg (91210 bytes)Mommy and Gabriel sleeping in at Tahoe (after Gabriel's breakfast of course. tomandgabe017.jpg (54006 bytes)If your coming house hunting, your going to need a hat.
tomandgabe018.jpg (57806 bytes)  


Gabriel at Play (~7/31/02): 

gabe-bib002.jpg (101838 bytes)I require a bib - Most of the time. gabe-bib003.jpg (104722 bytes)
gabe-yellow004.jpg (90638 bytes) gabe-yellow005.jpg (75914 bytes)
gabe-yellow006.jpg (71898 bytes) gabe-yellow007.jpg (92986 bytes)
gabe-blue010.jpg (108966 bytes) gabe-blue011.jpg (103070 bytes)Crouching Tiger - Hidden Gabriel.
gabe-blue012.jpg (113390 bytes) gabe-blue013.jpg (178840 bytes)Garsh!
gabe-blue014.jpg (88634 bytes) gabe-blue015.jpg (121514 bytes)
gabe-bed016.jpg (113930 bytes)No Piercing's at this point! and No Tattoos.  


Hudson Visit and Other  7/20/02 : 

bed001.jpg (62642 bytes)In Mommy and Daddy's Bed. gmabr002.jpg (69842 bytes)W/ Grandma Browning
ring003.jpg (77330 bytes)Playing with the teething ring.  New favorite Toy. ring004.jpg (86782 bytes)
ring005.jpg (102666 bytes) ring006.jpg (88382 bytes)
ring007.jpg (102350 bytes) ring008.jpg (84118 bytes)
bubblebath009.jpg (80506 bytes)He Loves His Bubble Baths pands010.jpg (90734 bytes)Peter and Steph Playing with Gabriel's Toys
post-swim011.jpg (68170 bytes)After a Swim in the Pool at the Hotel post-swim012.jpg (75290 bytes)It was like a bath.
post-swim013.jpg (83314 bytes)Sierra kept offering the bottle. post-swim014.jpg (72946 bytes)Sierra and Gabriel
psandg015.jpg (60326 bytes)Peter, Sierra and Gabriel. psandg016.jpg (90326 bytes)
tgandp017.jpg (79802 bytes)Hanging at the Mall after dinner. tgandp018.jpg (85678 bytes)
tgpands019.jpg (78750 bytes) tgsandp020.jpg (76106 bytes)Gabriel was the only one who didn't think that joke was funny.
tgsandp021.jpg (77554 bytes)He looks like a beaten and old man doesn't he? gabe022.jpg (83138 bytes)POSER!  Wearing the outfit the Hudson's bought for him.
gabe023.jpg (116678 bytes) gabe024.jpg (97678 bytes)
gabe025.jpg (108570 bytes)  


G-Plummer's Visit 7/14/02 : 

wgmaann025.jpg (45227 bytes) wgmaann026.jpg (47619 bytes)
wgpatom028.jpg (99842 bytes) wgparents029.jpg (79534 bytes)
wgparents030.jpg (96326 bytes)He likes to sit up (with some help) a lot now.  He insists big boys don't lay down. wgpatom031.jpg (76806 bytes)Sometimes we all need a shoulder to sob on.
wgmaann032.jpg (79390 bytes)The change of outfit brought about much praise from the G-parents.  


Visit the Brownings 7/13/02: 

wdewayne024.jpg (68315 bytes)DeWayne appears somewhat confused as Gabriel continues to stick out his tongue at him.