She Said-1
Up She Said-1 She Said-2 She-Said-3


Hi... thanks for visiting our wedding website. Took me a few days to get logged on and post some thoughts, I have been working on my cousin's wedding site.

Well, he finally asked me. I was really surprised. I honestly was not expecting anything till Christmas time. But, you know Tom... has to be one step ahead.

We went to my cousin's wedding this weekend (Oct. 7th) and while I was running around the day of, getting hair done, make-up, fluffing the bustle; Tom went with my father, brother and friend of family to play golf. Apparently, the game was quite close till the second nine, then my Tommy... he went into the ZONE! Next thing he knew, he was winning. I was so proud. My father laughed, he still thinks it is funny. Not bad for a guy that had not played a round since last year, huh?

golf1.jpg (78148 bytes) A picture of my 3 best guys and Bubba. What can I say. I am really glad he gets along with them. We are really close and he will make a great addition to the family.